DASA Member Spotlight

Serving in teaching and leadership capacities in Delaware has proven to be exciting, fulfilling and, on many occasions, exhausting! I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and the mentorship from excellent leaders. DASA has been a key part of my leadership journey since 2008.
- Lisa Lawson, Superintendent, Brandywine SD

As a servant leader, I take pride in lifting others. We are only as strong as those who support our leadership journey. DASA provides a lift for those that it represents. "The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people." Woodrow Wilson One voice, one focus, one mission:student growth!
- Equetta Jones, Principal, Love Creek Elementary School

DASA has provided me with an opportunity to network with administrators across the state. Also, as a new assistant principal I have gained a lot of knowledge and skills by attending the online and face-to-face professional development opportunities this organization has provided.
- Holly Langley, Assistant Principal, Sussex Technical High School

As a district/school administrator leading is always about one thing, doing what is best for kids. Through the Seaford School District and DASA we work to give students opportunities and open doors to their future. Finding the absolute best teachers is the most important part of my job.
- Jason Cameron, Assistant Superintendent & HR, Seaford SD

Being an educational leader in Delaware is unique and rewarding. In a small state, everyone has a voice, and we collaborate to support and do what is best for our students. I love that I have the opportunity to serve our staff, families and children in CHSD and Delaware.
- Jenny Nauman, Assistant Superintendent, Cape Henlopen SD

As an instructional leader, I take great pride in ensuring students and educators learn and grow every day. DASA promotes the collaboration of leaders focusing on the stakeholders we serve. It's an honor to learn and serve with colleagues vested in providing exceptional learning experiences.
- Shanta Reynolds, Director of Teaching, Learning and Equity, New Castle County Vocational Technical SD

Skills learned as part of the Delaware Association of School Principals and the Delaware Association of School Administrators have helped me be the best leader I can be. As the Delaware Principal of the Year, I am proud to serve Delaware and advocate on behalf of schools and students.
- Evelyn Edney, Head of Schools, Early College School

At West Seaford Elementary, we have built a community of learners by focusing on distributed leadership, changing the culture of the staff, and working every day to fill any gaps in the education of our students. I am grateful for the support of DASA and other professional support organizations.
- Laura Schneider, Child Nutrition Supervisor, Milford SD

I have been a school business official and member of DASA for 22 years. As a Past President and member of the Board, I can say that DASA’s mission to advance education through leadership and collaboration is second to none.
- Jason Hale, Director of Operations, Cape Henlopen SD
DASA Departments
Delaware Chief School Officers Association ____________________________________________ President, Dr. Kevin Dickerson: Superintendent, Polytech School District
Delaware Association of School Principals ____________________________________________ President, Equetta Jones: Principal, Love Creek Elementary School
Delaware Association of Curriculum and Instruction Supervisors ____________________________________________ President, Dr. Kelly Carvajal-Hageman: Chief Academic Officer, Milford School District
Delaware Association of School Business Officials ____________________________________________ President, Dr. Sara Hale: Chief Operating Officer, Milford School District
Delaware Association of Special Education Professionals ____________________________________________ President, Dr. Sarah Celestine: Director of Special Education, Red Clay School District
Delaware Association of Assistant Superintendents ____________________________________ President, Dr. Deirdra Joyner: Deputy Superintendent, Christina School District
Delaware Association of School Personnel Administrators ____________________________________________ President, Jason Cameron: Assistant Superintendent and Director of Human Resources, Seaford School District
Delaware Child Nutrition Services Supervisors Association ____________________________________________ President, Amanda Nask: Supervisor of School Nutrition Services, Colonial School District
Delaware Association of Emeritus Administrators ____________________________________________ Contact Person, Dr. Tammy Croce: Executive Director DASA